Do a simple experiment to show that living with integrity means doing what we can to run away from sin.
Items needed: bowl (cereal bowl is fine) with water covering the bottom, pepper, liquid dishwashing detergent, and a Toothpick
- Sprinkle some pepper over the water.
- Dip the toothpick into the detergent and place a drop of detergent in the middle of the water.
- Watch the pepper run away.
Why does the pepper move away?
FYI: Water molecules are strongly attracted to each other and this creates surface tension. (This is what allowed the pepper to float on top of the water.) When you put the detergent in the water, it makes the surface tension weak. The water’s surface tension force is stronger than the detergent’s surface tension force, so the pepper pulls away from the soap and carries the water with it.
God is holy and wants us to be holy; we are to run away from sin.
Read Proverbs 6:16-19.
What are some sins God hates? (Proud look, lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that make haste to run to evil, a false witness who breathes out lies, and one who sows discord among brothers)
What are some ways you can avoid (stay away from) sin? (Make friends who also want to do what is right, pray and ask God to help you be strong, listen to your parents, love God more than any sin)
If someone asks you to do something you know is not right, what can you do? (Walk away, tell them you need to leave now, say "no, thanks")
No one can completely be free of sin, but God gives us His Holy Spirit to help us keep away from sin. What should we do when we sin? (Be sorry for our sin and ask God to forgive us; He is merciful and always ready to forgive us.)