Wednesday, September 12, 2012

PACT for 2nd week of September

Our Shepherd Who Provides

Items Needed: Materials needed to make sock puppets (white socks, black felt or construction paper for the ears and a black marker)
*If you don't have any white socks without mates wasting away in the laundry room, you could make the puppets from paper lunch bags and add the ears and draw the faces with a marker.)
Make sheep and shepherd puppets (kids could choose which they want to make) and put on a puppet show.
Read Psalm 23 (the psalm we studied) aloud.
What does David compare God or the Lord to? (His shepherd)
David compares God to a shepherd and praises Him for providing everything he needed. 
If you have kids who are readers, ask them to look at the verses and find something the shepherd does for the sheep. (He gives them food; he leads them; he stays close to them; he guides them; he protects them; he comforts them; he honors and blesses, etc.)
What does God do for us? (Gives us food, leads us, stays close to us, protects, etc.)
Pair up a shepherd and a sheep and ask them to make up a puppet show, presenting how the shepherd provides for his sheep. (The shepherd could lead the sheep into a pen and then fight off a wolf that comes to attack.)
We can be glad God is a good shepherd who provides for us.

Thankful Hearts
Items Needed: Construction or copy paper, markers or crayons
Ask kids to illustrate a verse from Psalm 23 of the shepherd and the sheep. For example, they could draw a picture of the shepherd leading the sheep to water or the shepherd protecting the sheep from a wolf.
Ask them to write a sentence of thanks to God at the top or bottom of their picture. (Thank you for giving me water. Thank you for protecting me while I sleep.) Take turns letting each one tell about his picture and then say the prayer of thanks aloud.
If you have older kids, assign each one a verse and pray through Psalm 23.
For example:
Psalm 23:1—Thank you for being my shepherd. You give me everything I need.
Psalm 23:2—Thank you for leading me and giving me strength.

Our Great Provider
After dinner, invite family members to leave the table, choose one thing they are glad God has given them, and hide it (while the others aren't looking). Take turns looking for each person's item as he or she gives you clues telling if you are "hot" or "cold." 
Take turns allowing each family member to say 'thank you' to God for the item they chose and hid.
God is kind and good to give us what we need! We focus on God as our Provider; we respond to Him by being thankful.


If you have any questions about this lesson or anything else please feel free to eMail me at here.  We are on this journey called parenting together!

On this journey with you,

Pastor Beau

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