Tuesday, February 12, 2013

PACT for the second week of February

God Delivers His People
The Israelites were in a bad cycle—they went away from God, God sent a judge to deliver them, they followed God...they went away from God, God sent a judge to deliver them, they followed God. This was repeated over and over. Eventually, you read that God delivered the Israelites through Gideon, a judge.
Act out the story of Israel's victory. Assign parts for Gideon, the Israelite army, and the Midianite army. Read Judges 7 aloud as the kids act out their parts.
How did God deliver Israel?
(He saved them from the Midianite army that was stealing their food and other possessions.)
God is strong and can deliver His people from those who hurt them. 

     Be Strong in God
    Items needed: 
    copy or construction paper
    markers or crayons
    Help your child memorize Ephesians 6:10b.
    When Gideon thought he was ready to fight the Midianites, God told him he needed to take away some soldiers. God reduced the size of Gideon’s army from 32,000 to 300! God wanted Gideon and the Israelites to depend on Him instead of their own strength or power. Gideon needed to focus on God and what HE said and not on the BIG problem or job before him. When Gideon did not see a way for them to be free from the evil Midianites, God had a plan and directed Gideon on what to do. When we depend on God's strength, He can take away our fear and do amazing things.
    How did Gideon rely on God's strength? (He trusted in God to help them, he did what God told him to do, he obeyed even though he may have been afraid, etc.)
    How can we be strong in God? (Pray and ask Him to help us with our problems, believe that He will guide us to know what to do, read and focus on what He has said, etc.)
    Ask kids to illustrate the Bible verse. Talk about a problem they may have and how God can help them. Post the Bible verse in their room as a reminder that God wants to help them face the big problems.
      Celebrating God's Love
      Items needed: supplies to make cookies or cupcakes, pieces of paper (or small hearts)
      Celebrate Valentine's Day by showing love to others. Just as God used Gideon to deliver the Israelites from their trouble, God can use us to help others. Think of someone you know who is going through a hard time (sickness, loss, sadness, etc.). Bake cookies, make a card (with a message of encouragement, such as: We are praying for you, We love you, We believe God will help you, etc.) Deliver some of the goodies and say a short prayer with them before you leave.
      Play a game of finding the letters to an important message. Write each letter of the phrase, God loves you, on a slip of paper or heart. (Make at least one set for each kid, with some extras to make it easier to find them.) When kids aren't looking, hide the letters. Invite the kids to find the letters and an important message. Let them exchange letters, if they need to.
      Celebrate God's love with some of the goodies you made!

      On this journey with you,

      Pastor Beau


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