Tuesday, October 2, 2012

PACT for the Week of October 1st

 God Has Erased Our Sin

Items Needed: Erasable writing board  (Look for the cheap ones at the dollar store that have a stylus and are made of cardboard. Write a message, and then lift the clear page to erase what was written. Perhaps your kids have an erasable board on which they can write a message, and then erase it by sliding the button to the other side. Even a dry erase board and eraser will accomplish the same thing. *If you don't have what is needed, adapt it to fit your situation.)
Students studied Psalm 51 and learned about David's sadness for his sin and that he repented.
What is sin? (Any thought, attitude, or action against God)
A sin is more than a mistake. A mistake is a misspelled word or spilling your milk at dinner. A sin is against God. Sometimes they are actions (stealing, lying, murder, etc.), but sometimes they are thoughts or attitudes (pride, jealousy, selfishness, etc.)
Write a sin you have done on the writing tablet.
Who has sinned? (All have sinned—Romans 3:23)
We've all sinned and we can't get rid of our sins by ourselves; we need help.
We need a Savior—a Savior who can erase our sins. 
Lift the page (or erase the sin) and you will see that the "sin" is gone.
When we ask Him, God will erase our sins and won't even remember them. (Hebrews 10:17) 

Go the Other Way

Announce to your kids that you are going to a certain familiar destination (library, mall, etc), but drive the opposite way when you pull out of the driveway. Hopefully, they will notice and call it to your attention.
What should we do? (Turn around and go the other way)
What might happen if we kept going in the wrong direction, instead of turning around? (We would get farther away from where we want to be)
When we break God's laws and go the wrong way, what should we do? (Stop doing it, go the right way, repent)
What does it mean to repent? (It means to change your mind) 
When we realize we have gone the wrong way and sinned, we should turn around (stop doing it and turn away from it) and go the right way—God's way. Repentance means that we are sorry about our sin and are turning and walking away from it. We need to repent every time we sin.


Don’t Hide Sin

Items Needed: Index card or pieces of paper, and pen or marker
Keep reviewing the Bible verses in Psalm 100.
Only when we are NOT hiding our sin from God can we come to Him with gladness. Hiding our sin makes us feel ashamed and not right with God. When we focus on God as our Savior (He is the only way to have our sins taken away), we respond by being sorry for our sin and turning away from it. Then we will have JOY! (Psalm 51:12)
Write each word of the verse on an index card or piece of paper. Hide these in or outside the house while your kids aren't looking. Invite them to find all the words and then put them in the correct order. Say the verse together.
If they enjoy the activity, let a couple of the kids hide the words and invite the others to look for them and put them in the correct order.
Don't forget to keep saying Psalm 100:1 so you don't forget it. 

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