Wednesday, October 10, 2012

PACT for the week of October 7

October 7 - 13

Focus on God

This week's psalm is Psalm 69. If you had to describe the type of song David wrote, it would definitely be a song of blues. David wrote and sang all about the sadness and trouble he was in. But why? Life can be like a puzzle. It seems hard to figure out all the pieces and why certain things happen.
How might we feel if we focus on our trouble? (Discouraged, sad, unhappy, etc.)
Life can be puzzling and we may not understand why certain things happen, but we can cry out to God for help. Shifting our focus to God as our Deliverer can help us. God has power and strength to help us and can even comfort us. David cried out to God for help and shifted his focus to God. By the end of Psalm 69, David turned his sadness into praise.
*Psalm 69 is really long for kids, but you could read parts of it aloud. Verses 1-16 give you a good idea of David's feelings. Verse 30 shows a shift from his troubles to focusing on God.
Talk with your children about trouble they face. (If they can't think of anything, ask, "What has made you cry? How do you feel when others reject you? How have mean words hurt you? When have you felt pain?")
Encourage them to share how they feel—first with you and then with God. Reassure them God hears and will help them.

The Good Shepherd

Items Needed: Pieces of copy or construction paper, and pen or markers
Students started learning to read Psalm 100:3 aloud.
What does this verse tell us about God? (He made us)
What does it tell us about ourselves? (We belong to God; we are His sheep)
God made the world and the people in it. The Bible compares God to a shepherd and us to sheep. He loves us like a shepherd loves and cares for his sheep.
What does a shepherd do when anything tries to hurt his sheep? (The shepherd fights against the danger and delivers the sheep from harm)
God cares about everything that happens to us. We can ask Him to deliver us from whatever trouble comes to us.
Write the phrases of Psalm 100:3 on pieces of paper. (Use one large piece for each phrase.) Pass out the phrases to different members of the family and ask them to line up in the correct order. (One person may need to read the verse aloud as the others line up. Also, if you have a small family you may need to recruit stuffed animals or dolls to hold a phrase.)
After lining up, ask each person to say his or her phrase to complete the verse. Exchange phrases, count to three, and see how quickly you can line up in the correct order. Say the verse after each scramble.
Review the first two verses of Psalm 100 to keep them fresh in your mind.

Appreciate Your Pastor

 Don't forget that October is Pastor Appreciation Month. Brainstorm ideas with your kids of what your family can do to let your pastor know how much you appreciate him and his family.

Some ideas:
  • Make or buy his favorite dessert and take it to church.
    (Sneak around and ask his wife.)
  • Bring a basket of snacks or fruit to him.
  • Invite him and his family over for a cookout.
  • Draw pictures and write message of thanks—I think you are great at ____, You are very ________, Thank you for _________, etc.

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