Friday, February 10, 2012


I'd like to bring your attention to a very cool blog written by a college buddy of mine, Chris Yeager.

I think his tagline says it all, "Fatherhood is not a job.  It is a blessing from God for men to lead the next generation into a life with Christ."

Dadvotionals is the kind of blog that speaks to me as a father on so many levels.  The honest transparency with which Chris writes regarding his personal triumphs and failures as a father allows me to identify and sympathize with him on a personal level while being Biblically and practically encouraged.

Because of this, I've named his site my Featured Blog for the month of February.

Be sure to click on over and check out the rest of his blog!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Beau! Really appreciate your support and encouragement.
    Blessings brother.
