Tuesday, February 28, 2012

SPLINK for the Week of February 26th

Feb. 26 - March 3
Follow the Leader

Play an old favorite, Follow the Leader.
Choose one person to be the leader and the others (join in, Mom and Dad) follow that person and do what he or she does. (March, skip, jump, swing arms, put hands on head, etc.)
Do you like being the follower or leader best? Why?
What would have happened if you had gone your own direction instead of following the leader? (You would have been left behind, you wouldn't be part of the game, you would be alone, etc.)
Why is it important to follow God? (We don't always know the right way to go; He knows what is best; He can be trusted, etc.)
Drawing in the Dark 

Items Needed: blindfold
White board and marker or paper and crayon
Slips of paper with a name of something to be drawn on each one (dog, refrigerator, bicycle, computer, elephant, house, etc.)
Draw pictures to illustrate that others can help us, if we only listen.
Choose two volunteers. Designate one to draw and the other to guide. Let the guide choose an item to be drawn while the other one is blindfolded. The guide must help the person drawing by giving him or her instructions on where to place the marker, what to do draw, etc. When finished take off the blindfold and see the creation. Take turns guiding and drawing.
What helped when you were drawing the picture? (The other person's instructions, having someone who could see what I was doing give me advice, etc.)
Would it have been harder if you didn't have someone helping you?(Yes)
How does God help us? (He gives us the Bible so we can know the right way; He gives us the Holy Spirit to guide us; He gives us people [parents, teachers, etc.] to help us.)
God wants us to know the right way to go, but we must be willing to listen and do what our parents, teachers, and others in authority tell us.
Ten Commandment Toss
Items needed: a ball
Marker (write the numbers 1-10 around the ball or write numbers on small pieces of paper and tape them to it)
The entire family should know the Ten Commandments by now. Gather the family in a circle. Toss the ball to someone. He or she must say the commandment that matches the number that is on top of the ball. (If the number 5 is at the top of the ball, he must say commandment number 5—Honor your father and mother.)
We must first learn the commands of God, so we can know what to do. When we follow and keep His commands, God is pleased with His disciples.

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