Tuesday, March 13, 2012

SPLINK for the Week of March 11th

Tug of War

Items Needed: rope or towel (for tug of war)
Masking tape
Mark a point on the floor or ground. Line up two family members (about the same size) on either end of the rope.  Tell them to start pulling when you say go.
Do you think God and the devil are in a battle?
Who do you think will win? Do you think the devil is as strong as God?
God is all-powerful; the devil is not. There is NO doubt that GOD will win! Even though the devil is stronger than we are, he is NOT stronger than God.
Choose the smallest member of the family and put the rest of the family on the
other end of the rope. Tug away. (This is a better picture of what is true about God and the devil.)
You knew that all of us would win, didn't you? When God is on our side, we can win against the devil. God is in charge of the universe. Even though the devil fights against God, God has already won.  Some day there will be a final battle and the devil will be defeated for good. Jesus had authority over the devil and demons when He lived on earth. He only had to speak to them and they obeyed Him.
 Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Celebrate St. Patrick's Day. Wear green, if you like.
Tell the story about St. Patrick who submitted to God's authority and told others about Him.
The man we know as St. Patrick was born into a Christian family during the fourth century in Britain. Even though his father and grandfather were deacons in the church, Maewyn (his British name) had never accepted Jesus. At the age of sixteen, he was kidnapped by Irish raiders and taken captive to Ireland as a slave. During his six-year captivity, he became a Christian and adopted the name Patrick.
According to his Confession, he was told by God in a dream to flee from captivity to the coast, where he would board a ship and return to Britain. Upon returning, he joined the Church in Gaul and studied to be a priest for twelve years. While there, Patrick felt that God was calling him to go BACK to Ireland to tell the people about Jesus.
Patrick traveled throughout Ireland preaching and winning many converts to Christ. This upset the Celtic Druids, who had their own native religion. Patrick was arrested several times, but escaped each time. He established monasteries, schools, and churches to help the people learn more about God and the Bible.
One traditional symbol of the day is the shamrock. It is said that Patrick used the three-leafed shamrock (clover) to explain the Trinity. He used it in his sermons to represent how the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit could all exist as separate, yet still be one God. His followers adopted the custom of wearing a shamrock on his feast day. (No one knows for sure why we wear green on this day, but some think it has to do with wearing the green shamrock.)

Patrick's mission in Ireland lasted for thirty years. He died on March 17, the day that has been commemorated as St. Patrick's Day ever since. The day was originally celebrated only in Ireland, but now people throughout the world celebrate the day with parades and firecrackers. The city of Chicago dyes the Chicago River green.

Yes or No

Items Needed: two index cards for each child
Help each child write YES on one card and NO on the other. Help them to think about the choices they make. For one whole day, ask them to use the cards to answer when you ask them to do something, remembering that they are saying YES or NO to God.
God is in charge of the universe, but He gives each person a free will; each one can choose whether to say YES or NO to God. The devil was created as a beautiful angel who said NO to God. He wanted His own way, instead of following God's way. God gives us a choice also. God is pleased when we say YES to His ways (just as parents are pleased when kids make the right choice).  Even though we have a choice, there are consequences when we choose the wrong way and say NO to God.

What were the consequences for the devil? (He had to leave Heaven, He could no longer live in God's presence, He will be punished in Hell some day, forever and ever.)
What are some consequences if we say NO? (We will be punished, we will feel guilty, we may get hurt, etc.)
God knows what is right for us; it is always best to go His way!

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